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Dear Dave,

I have been throwing around the idea of building a shop at my house.  I live on about an acre lot and have a fairly new home…..built in 2007.  I have room to build a detached shop and/or also room onto my current 2-car garage.
My question for you is, what do you think would make the most sense when I go to sell the house someday?  Do people appreciate a detached shop or would they like it just as much if it were connected to the attached garage?

Thanks for the help –
Robert, Grand Junction


I believe this question is one that virtually every man throws around from time to time.  Building a shop has almost become part of the American dream and is no doubt a significant selling feature.  Right behind the dream of a detached shop is a three-car garage or three-car garage with ample storage area that can be converted to a kinda-shop area!  I have seen it over and over the past 20+ years, shop people are shop people, and buying a home without a shop is many times a deal breaker.  Not to mention that in today’s world having someone build a shop for you after you move into a new home can be an 8-12 month endeavor, so having one already built on the property is a huge advantage.  I might also mention that as you wander through life accumulating “things”, that you probably no longer need, but can’t force yourself to sell, the idea of more and more storage becomes increasingly important…..thus increasing the importance of having a shop area.

In my opinion, the highest value proposition or long-term return on your investment would be to build a detached shop.  The nice thing about a detached shop, over one that is attached, is that what is inside or happening at the detached shop is less likely to spill over into the main garage and/or house…..from the simple fact that it is “detached”.   A detached shop can be a man’s private kingdom or from time to time his “dog house” and having a place to go when you want to get away or need to get away can be priceless.  The fact that a garage or shop is detached from the rest of the house implies that not everyone is invited, there is limited access and I for one believe that is one of the major ancillary benefits of having a detached shop.  Having a shop that is detached also gives one the opportunity to separate his or herself from the chaos or activities of the main house and provide a place of solace and privacy where anything goes, well almost anything, and “keep it clean” is not a phrase that needs to be feared or heeded unless by choice!  Having a place that is a safe haven is valuable and for those who are used to having it or badly want it, it is VERY valuable.

Bottom line…….Go detached and live longer and more prosperous and until you sell, you can enjoy all the rewards of having a detached shop!  I am kidding about the longer and more prosperous part, but the rewards will be no joke!  It will, no doubt, be a big selling feature that will have you seeing more green! ($)

Dave Kimbrough
The Kimbrough Team



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