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We were applying for a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Our credit scores are in the 800’s, and we were applying for a mortgage in order to avoid IRA withdrawals and the taxes. This mortgage company is pushing us to use an internet portal that requires all of our passwords to our banking and investment accounts. Having had my security hacked twice, I refused. They said I could furnish copies of the accounts, but when I did, they made it so difficult for me that my only course would be to furnish my passwords. Am I wrong to be concerned about this?

– Kathy, Grand Junction


First, I think congratulations are in order for the 800+ credit scores! It’s not very often that we see those kind of credit scores so a little pat on the back is in order. As for your question, I do believe you have good reason to be concerned, but to be sure I posed your question to James Pulsipher, Branch Manager of Fidelity Mortgage.  He knows the Mortgage industry better than anyone I know, so I figured who better to ask than James!

Here’s what he shared with me, “I think that you are right to be concerned. In today’s tech-forward culture there are many solutions like this that are designed to make the process of obtaining a loan easier. However, it is just an option – not a requirement. The reason that this option has become available is that many people would prefer to provide that information instead of providing the documentation. I would simply let the lender know that you are happy to provide them what they need outside of this automation. What they will likely need is a 60-day statement on any banking accounts of reference. Hope that helps.”

Good to know that you have the option to provide the information outside of their internet portal.  EVERYTHING is going the route of being easy and less cumbersome as our lifestyles are busy and time becomes more and more valuable. On a personal note, I know when I applied for a loan a couple of years, back with James, that Fidelity also uses a portal. I was intimidated and concerned at first, but quickly found that I fell in love with the ease of following the process and providing documentation online versus delivering paperwork. By the time we were done, I very much appreciated the collaboration of my accountant, James’ office and the ease of sharing needed documentation through the portal. Keep in mind it is always good to be wary of how you provide SS#’s and bank accounts to those requesting them.

One note is to NEVER send either your bank account numbers or SS numbers via email. There are hackers and scammers that are CONSTANTLY scanning each and every sent email for numbers that fit the right character configurations of both and when they find a match consider yourself in serious jeopardy. I have several stories I could bore you with that would provide you with the proper amount of fear to never email either.

The bottom line…you are right to be concerned as our information is no doubt under constant assault! You know the old saying (my mom would be proud!), “It’s better to be safe than sorry!” Great question and thanks for reading “Ask Dave”.

Dave Kimbrough
The Kimbrough Team


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